Certified DIN Abrasion Tester
GenDin is designed to conform to the ASTM, EN, IS0 and DIN standards. This top quality and highly popular abrasion tester will allow you to measure the abrasion resistance of rubbers (vulcanized thermo set rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers) that are subject to abrasive/frictional wear on their actual service. Since wear is always a result of abrasion, different test methods have been developed for the simulation of long-term wear.
DIN Abrasion Testing Operation
DIN Method according to ISO 4649 Method 1 (without specimen rotation)
Certified DIN Abrasion Tester Supplier
The method conforming to ASTM D5963 / ISO 4649 has proven to be the best way of simulating long term wear. This method enables comparative tests for the control of the uniformity of a specific material. The achieved test results provide important parameters with respect to the wear of elastomers in practical use. The abrasion resistance is measured by moving a test piece across the surface of an abrasive sheet mounted to a revolving drum, and is expressed as volume loss in cubic millimeters or abrasion resistance index in a percentage. Learn more about the significance of DIN Abrasion Testing.

DIN Abrasion Tester Consumables
GenDIN can be purchased with a full scope of DIN Abrasion consumables for your current and long-term needs. The consumables include abrasive paper, circular cutting device, standard rubber slabs, additional 10N loading weights and more. You purchase your DIN consumables with or after the order of the main instrument. Additionally, NextGen often offers special consumables bonus incentives. Ask us for our best consumables offer by request quotation today.